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Lean Manufacturing Activity
Recently, our employees had a fun-filled learning session
The objective of this session was to establish improved Flow Manufacturing in the current Cellular Modules and explore the possibilities of extending it to new product lines.
The game involved a dynamic simulation that mirrors real-world manufacturing scenarios. Our employees got to delve into traditional practices and contrast them with LEAN techniques—minimal investment, maximum impact.
Lean Simulation Game Workshop at AAPL, led by our Lean Sensei, Mr. S. Kannan.
The learnings as summarised by our team were valuable!
LEAN techniques offer straightforward ways to enhance existing situations.
Embracing Change:
Past experiences don’t always yield the best methods. There’s always room for improvement—a crucial mindset for the entire team.
Improvement need not rely solely on expensive investments. Exercising practical knowledge (the foundation of LEAN initiatives) often yields more rewarding results.
Boosting output is not about adding manpower; it is about prioritizing productivity.
High inventory levels do not necessarily improve customer service; in fact, they can hinder it.
Inventories don’t solve problems—they often conceal the underlying issues.
Address the core issues head-on for lasting improvements.
The most unique part of this simulation game is the simple design and a very unique application of common sense.
Cheers to our incredible team for embracing the spirit of continuous improvement and making our Lean Simulation Game Workshop a resounding success! At the Ankit Group, we have always believed that simplicity often holds the key!